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Pickled Herring

When in season, herring is a yummy, decadent addition to your diet - And it's easy to do.


Gut, scale and clean as many filets of herring as will fill your jar.  

Place in a brine of salted water - (1/4 cup salt to 2 litres water).  Leave for 3 hours in the fridge.


cook 3 cups apple cider vinegar and 1 cup white vinegar and heat with 1 cup sugar and infuse the following spices:

Add 1tbs each - Whole cloves, mustard seeds, dill leaf (I use dried), Caraway seed, Whole Peppercorns and Allspice.

Also add 2 bay leaves (dried)


When the vinegar is cool, drain the fish from the salt water and rinse with cold water and add to the vinegar.

Ready to eat in 4 days.


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